Monday, 15 February 2010


Back in the Wembley hotel, Atkins continued twitching in his sleep, with Terrablanche seated on the bed next to him.

As Terrablanche rose to leave the bedroom his phone buzzed in to action and his large hand was quickly reaching in to his breast pocket so that he could answer the call.
His ape like hands were soon cradling the handset as he strained his eyes to see who the caller was. His eyes opened wide as he read the name of the caller.
It was " Kahrl Heinz - Brunner" principle of the Duisburg School of Archaeology and the Occult.

Brunner was an old ex Nazi who had spent a number of years in Paraguay running a quasi religious sect, before slipping back in to Europe under a false name and forged papers.

Prior to his entanglement with the Nazi Party, he had studied Archaeology at the Sorbonne, Oxford and Harvard and had forged many links with the nefarious “Archaeological Mafia” known as “The Sacred brotherhood of the Sarcophagus”.

Brunner has surfaced in Duisburg and by murderous and foul means, had swiftly worked his way to seat of the principle, at the renowned and respected Archaeology school.

However, the German Police and secret service, “The Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz (BfV)”, had been unable to pin on him, any of the unfortunate accidents and disappearances that befell his more senior colleagues, and he now ruled supreme at the Duisburg centre of the occult.

Terrablanche spoke quietly and slowly in to the small hand set now firmly squeezed up against his ear.

“What the hell do you want, Brunner?”

“You, Terrablanche!” came the reply, delivered in a hushed , but harsh German dialect.

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